Useful Links
Little Sparklers is a charity that provides information about normal behaviour and development so families can establish realistic expectations for their children. It's also the home of the Beyond Sleep Training Project which is an online support group contacting over 100 000 families worldwide
The ABA provides breastfeeding information and support, including the Breastfeeding Helpline 1800 686 268 and support groups across Australia.
The Raising Children's Network is an Australian website providing families with information regarding parenting and child development.
Formally known as Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA), ReImagine Australia is the leading Australian body for early childhood outcomes for young children with a developmental delay or a disability and their families. The website provides useful resources and online training for professionals and families, including information on the Best Practice Guidelines for Early Childhood Intervention
Lifestart is the Early Childhood Partner in the Nepean Blue Mountains , delivering the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach. If your child is aged 0-6 years and has a disability, or if you are concerned about their development, they may be eligible to receive support from the NDIS.